1 Common

These are the general terms and conditions for the use of the SHAMAN® website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms"). The user of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the "User") should read these Terms carefully before using the Service. The terms apply to all user actions in the Service.

The service may also contain special conditions regarding certain functions (such as the online store's conditions, conditions for review functions), which apply to the User's functions in addition to these conditions, if the User uses the relevant functions.

2. Rights and restrictions regarding the use of the service

The User has the right to view and browse the Service and its content, such as text, product information, images, trademarks and logos (hereinafter "Content") and to use the services offered in the SHAMAN® Service. The user may not modify or reproduce the content in any way, nor partially distribute, distribute, transfer, publicly present or otherwise make the content public, except for permitted linking according to § 6.

SHAMAN® grants the User the limited right to use the Service as defined in these Terms only for the User's personal use and the User may not use the Service or the Content for commercial purposes. SHAMAN® does not grant the User any rights to the Service or Content other than the rights specifically mentioned in these Terms.

It is permitted to use the Service only in accordance with the Terms and Conditions applicable at any given time and applicable legislation, as well as any instructions and conditions given separately in the Service. The User may not interrupt or attempt to interrupt or otherwise interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation of the Service in any way.

The User may not use the Service (i) for illegal activities; (ii) for activities intended to interrupt the operation of the Service, make it difficult for other users to use the Service, or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Service (eg, placing timed jammers, viruses or other material that contains parts that may affect the programmatic structure of the service within the service); (iii) to collect or store personal information about other users; (iv) falsifying or manipulating header or identifying information in an attempt to disguise the origin of the Content transmitted through the Service; (v) impersonating SHAMAN® or another entity or; (vi) any other form of misrepresentation.

The User may not post, deliver or publish any such content on the Service (including, but not limited to, texts, images, logos and characters) that (i) is against the law or good practice or is otherwise inappropriate for publication, (ii) infringing the rights of third parties or (iii) illegally promoting certain products or services.

The user may send, deliver or publish in the Service only such content that he has an unrestricted right to use, including the right to forward the content to SHAMAN® and allow SHAMAN® to publish the content in whole or in part in the Service without obligation to pay compensation or other liabilities. The user undertakes not to submit any claims to SHAMAN® based on the content sent, delivered or published by the user in the Service.

The User indemnifies SHAMAN® and the companies involved in the same activity with it at any given time, as well as all their representatives, managers and employees, from liability in relation to any claim caused by the User's use of the Service or based on the content that sent or forwarded by the user in the Service. SHAMAN® does not control the content sent or forwarded by the user to the Service and is not responsible for it. SHAMAN® reserves the right at any time based on its sole discretion and without prior notice to delete the content submitted by the user to the Service and used therein.

SHAMAN® has the right at any time to limit the use of the Service or its parts or functions, and for justified reasons prevent the User from accessing the Service. SHAMAN® may exercise its said rights without prior notice and liability for compensation. SHAMAN® also reserves the right to invoke any of its legal rights arising from the violation of the restrictions defined in these Terms.

3. Processing of personal data

SHAMAN® processes personal data in the manner permitted and required by the personal data legislation in force at any given time, and acts as a record keeper of personal data. Customer data is processed as described in the customer register extract.

4. Cookies

Cookies can be delivered to the user's terminal. A cookie is a small text file that can be used to collect information about how and when the Service is used, for example when and which pages in the Service are used one has visited, which browser the User uses and where the User came to the Service. The information obtained using cookies is anonymous in nature, but it is possible to link the information obtained using cookies to the personal information obtained from the User. The purpose of using cookies is to analyze and develop the Service so that it serves Users even better, as well as using the information in the statistical follow-up of the number of visitors to the Service and in various measurements of the effectiveness of the Service's functions. Information collected with the help of cookies can also be used to produce targeted advertising. The user has the option of turning off the use of cookies in their browser settings, but this affects the possibilities of using the Service by weakening it or even blocking it completely.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The Service and Content belong to SHAMAN® or its partners, protected by copyright laws and copyright agreements. All intellectual property rights related to the Service and Content (including copyright, registered and unregistered trademark and model rights, domain names, patents, database rights and trade secrets) belong to SHAMAN® or its partners. All rights reserved.

6. Links to or in the service

Users may add links to the Service on their own websites. The link must not contain SHAMAN® trademarks in graphic form. The link must open in an independent browser window and not in the linked page's own frame. The appearance, placement and other characteristics of the link must not create the false impression that the linking entity or its activities, services or products are related to the activity or sponsored by SHAMAN®. SHAMAN® reserves the right, in its sole discretion, at any time and without obligation to provide reasons, to deny linking to its Service. The Service may contain links to websites owned and maintained by third parties. SHAMAN® does not monitor or control the content of the linked websites and is not responsible for the content, accuracy, reliability or data security of the linked websites. The inclusion of links in the Service also does not indicate that SHAMAN® in any way endorses or promotes the services of the linked website or anything else about the relationship between SHAMAN® and the linked website. The linked websites are not part of the Service and are in no way under the control of SHAMAN®. The User understands and accepts that the use of the links removes the User from the Service and that the User uses the linked websites at his own risk. The User should carefully familiarize himself with the Terms of Use of the Linked Site and any other instructions before starting to use the Linked Site.

7. Limitations of Liability

SHAMAN® provides the Service and Content "as is" without warranties of any kind. SHAMAN® is not responsible for the uninterrupted, error-free and fast availability, functionality and usability of the Service. SHAMAN® is also not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, errors, omissions, inaccuracies or other defects in the Content or information displayed in the Service, provided or transmitted through the Service, nor for non-infringement of rights. SHAMAN® makes no guarantees about the protection of the Service or that the electronic bulletins sent via the Service do not contain viruses or other harmful elements. SHAMAN® cannot guarantee the data security of data sent via the Service. SHAMAN® shall not be liable for the information sent or received by the User or for the information not sent or received. SHAMAN® shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, direct or indirect or tort-based damages or special damages (including, for example, damages arising out of loss of business, contract, revenue or data or business interruption) resulting from the use or prevention of use of the Service or Content or from these Terms, whether the damages are based in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise, even if SHAMAN® has been informed in advance of the possibility of such damages.

8. Changes

SHAMAN® reserves the right to change these terms at its sole discretion. Changes to the Terms will become effective when the changes are announced on the Service, after which they will be applied to the User's activities on the Service. SHAMAN® reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the Service or the Content at any time without prior notice and to disable parts or features of the Service.

9. Applicable Law

Finnish law applies to these Terms, excluding its choice of law provisions. The parties will primarily attempt to resolve differences arising from these Terms or their application through negotiation. If the negotiations do not lead, In the event of an amicable settlement, the disagreements will be resolved in Finland in the Eastern Nyland district court. The consumer user can also take the dispute to the district court or the consumer dispute board at their place of residence.

10. Service Administrator

The service is maintained by:


+358 4036 990 63


Company ID: 1557469-9